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betzone casino review

M/s Imran Mushtaq & Co

Status of the Company

Lucky Core Industries Limited is a public listed company and considered to be economically significant company.

Company Registration number and National Tax Number

CUIN # 0000535

Betzone CasinoNTN # 0710672-6

Address of registered office, head office, all other branch offices

5 West Wharf Road, Karachi

Phone numbers, fax (if available) of head office, registered office and branch offices

Tel: 021-32313717-22

Fax :021-32311739

Subsidiaries and Associated Companies

betzone review  
Name Weblink
Lucky Core PowerGen Limited
Lucky Core Ventures (Private) Limited N/A
Lucky TG (Private) Limited
Associated Companies Percentage Shareholding in Lucky Core Industries Limited Website link (if any)
Lucky Cement Limited 55%
Yunus Textile Mills Limited 12.01%
betzone reviewGadoon Textile Mills Limited 7.21%
Lucky Textile Mills Limited 6.23%
YB Pakistan Limited 1.10%
NutriCo Morinaga (Private) Limited
NutriCo International (Private) Limited


Pattern of Shareholding as at 30 June 2023


Financial Highlights of past Six Year Performance


Free Float of Shares


Membership of Industry association and trade bodies, if any

Rating of company and Instrument

As per the latest available yearly financial statements

For the Year Ended June 30, 2023    
Earning Per Share (PKR) 149.12
Price Earning Ratio (times) 4.05
Breakup Value Per Share excluding revaluation surplus (PKR) 409.60
Breakup Value Per Share with revaluation surplus (PKR) 409.60


Website Compliance Certificate

Year 2019
Year 2018
Year 2017